In Memory

Dumb Floridians
So I was thinking about voters in Florida today. Well more like last night but it carried over to today. I noticed that teachers, in Florida, have a good chance of being let go because there isn't enough money to pay them. Lets see why is that....hmmm...maybe because voters decided to pass an amendment that would take away taxes needed to pay for things like teachers, emergency services, our police...etc. My sister is a teacher and she was told that she would be affected by this amendment. There just isn't enough money. Some schools have said they will try to cut non instructional staff first but it's crazy. Back to voters...it amazes me how they just don't look into what they are voting for. These days if an amendment needs a yes to go through you know it's going to go through. Most voters just vote yes for everything. A perfect example was the fast rail. the first time everyone voted for it you put yes to make it happen. Next time yes to make it not happen...amazing how it's not happening. I'm just venting because I'm mad. I know another problem is we have a large retired population in this state and for them it's what is best for them right now not the overall...still frustrating...
Love this song
I heard this song on the radio the other day and I love it. It made me all misty eyed when it got to the last verse of the song talking about her munchkins and how she was going to miss it. It's so true. I think about my sisters and how much they've grown up and how much I missed some of the things about when they were younger. Well one thing is I could always tell them what to do...LOL. I remember when I went to UF how much I missed some of their pestering. I was so lonely those first few weeks and I missed just having them around. Well here's a link to the lyrics of the song http://www.lyricscafe.com/hits/videolyrics.php?grid=8&id=1015693. I hope that link works. Anyway if it doesn't it's called You're Gonna Miss This by Trace Adkins.
Why a Blog?
So today I started to think more about something my dear hubby and I talked about last night. I told him I've decided to start my own blog. I said I'm behind and we'll see how this goes. He said why do you think people start blogs? We got into this discussion and I said I thought it was for a couple of reasons. I said I know some people do it as an outlet and he agreed with that. I said another is so that they can still communicate with everyone but not send emails all the time. It's one of those come check it out if you want to kind of thing. I said for me it may be a little of both. We'll see how it goes for me. I'm not the best at always sharing my inner most feelings which I think a lot of bloggers do. My blog may turn out to be quite boring...I'm hoping to make it interesting at least some of the time. I do believe for me it will be an outlet of some sorts and just a way to say hey this is what I'm thinking now. As always I hope this finds everyone well.....
Getting Old
I feel like I'm getting really old. Yesterday I was running out to the car and a tree caught my arm and I got turned around and now my back is in pain. I was like this is nuts. All night I tossed and turned because it just hurt. It isn't any better today but i couldn't help but think "I FEEL OLD!" Of course to add insult to injury the wind and my car joined forces to slam the car door into my leg and back not too long after the tree attacked me. Maybe it's not that I'm getting old...maybe Mother Nature is just pissed at me for some reason. I don't know.
Today I watched my three little munchkins and could not get over how incredibly blessed I am. Life has been kind of stressful lately and just plain busy. Today I stepped back and looked at those 3 little stinkers and again realized how blessed I am. Hailey is growing up so incredibly fast. She watches out for her brothers and her mommy and daddy. She is so loving and sweet. She gets so upset when she has made someone angry. Justin is growing up quickly too but still so much younger in personality. He loves to make you laugh and I love that so much about him. He takes things incredibly hard but more silently than anyone else. He feels my pain and frustration more than I ever realized. Matthew is just growing faster than I expected. He is saying all kinds of things now and gets so frustrated when you don't understand. He is my cuddler. I'm amazed by these 3 little children that are mine every day. I'm not saying I don't ever get frustrated but today...today I enjoyed every minute of them.
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