
Getting Old

I feel like I'm getting really old. Yesterday I was running out to the car and a tree caught my arm and I got turned around and now my back is in pain. I was like this is nuts. All night I tossed and turned because it just hurt. It isn't any better today but i couldn't help but think "I FEEL OLD!" Of course to add insult to injury the wind and my car joined forces to slam the car door into my leg and back not too long after the tree attacked me. Maybe it's not that I'm getting old...maybe Mother Nature is just pissed at me for some reason. I don't know.


Anonymous said...

That's cause you ARE old, muahahahahahaa. OK, OK, I'm just kidding. :) Sounds like you had a couple of mishaps with things slamming against your back, so it's understandable!

Char said...

Hey now we'll not have any of that missy!!!