
Why a Blog?

So today I started to think more about something my dear hubby and I talked about last night. I told him I've decided to start my own blog. I said I'm behind and we'll see how this goes. He said why do you think people start blogs? We got into this discussion and I said I thought it was for a couple of reasons. I said I know some people do it as an outlet and he agreed with that. I said another is so that they can still communicate with everyone but not send emails all the time. It's one of those come check it out if you want to kind of thing. I said for me it may be a little of both. We'll see how it goes for me. I'm not the best at always sharing my inner most feelings which I think a lot of bloggers do. My blog may turn out to be quite boring...I'm hoping to make it interesting at least some of the time. I do believe for me it will be an outlet of some sorts and just a way to say hey this is what I'm thinking now. As always I hope this finds everyone well.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to The Blogdom! You'll do fine here, whatever you choose to (or choose not to) blog about!